"Food for Fines" to benefit the Food Pantry
The Public Library has a "Food for Fines" exchange to benefit the Food Pantry. Throughout the year library patrons may bring in canned food or nonperishable items in exchange for regular overdue fines on library materials.
Do you have some overdue library materials? If you're going to the grocery store soon, picking up a few extra items can help you pay for your library late fees.
The Public Library has a "Food for Fines" exchange to benefit the Food Pantry. Throughout the year library patrons may bring in canned food or nonperishable item in exchange for regular overdue fines on library materials.
The program provides library patrons with a way to reduce or eliminate overdue fines, and provides much-needed donations to the local food pantry. It also helps the library get their overdue items back on the shelves. Donated goods apply only to fines (past ones, or current ones for overdue items you turn in now), not lost or damaged materials or interlibrary loan fees.
Canned items such as soups, fruits, vegetables, beans, pasta dishes, canned milk and meats are welcome. Dried goods needed include rice, oatmeal, dried beans, dried pasta, crackers, cookies and dried milk may be donated. Other nonperishable items and personal hygiene items such as shampoo, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, dish washing detergent, deodorant, pampers, and baby wipes. Please check expiration dates on any of your donations.
During the holiday season in the months of November and December, the library accepts food and nonperishable items in lieu of fines. Overdue fines and fee are forgiven for donations of food and nonperishable items.
Even if you don’t have library fines, you can leave donations for the food pantry at the library. If you have any question about "Food for Fines" call the library at 361-364-4545.